4-Way Auto Stroke

The Arrow Hammer's Automated System Reduces Operator Fatigue and Maximizes Efficiency with Just One Button!

How it Works

We have revolutionized breaking concrete with this new automated system that gives the operator full control, while taking operator stress and fatigue out of the equation. With the push of 1 button the Arrow Hammer will rev up and begin to hammer in a pattern set by the operator from the user interface. Adjustable while in operation or stopped the accuracy of this is second to none. This now allows the operator to become efficient instead of just breaking concrete. Usually determined by the size of the spoils to pick up, The operator will set a drop height, side shift distance, number of hits, & distance between rows

If familiar with an existing Arrow Hammer, it did have an auto stroke that would stroke the hammer to desired height and drop it. The operator had to then side shift and move between rows for every hit. We automated all of that. The hammer will now pick up and drop, while picking up again, the Arrow Hammer will side shift to the desired setting & height setting and drop. It will repeat the process until it reaches the opposite side of the slide. The machine will then backup (or go forward) to the desired setting. It will repeat the process until turned off. When turned back on it will just continue where it left off. 

With a push of one button, 1450 will rev up and start its auto cycle. The machine will hammer·slide over· hammer and repeat until it reaches the other side. The machine will then back up and repeat the process until turned off it will then return to idle. AU features are adjustable with the push of a button and the turn of a knob. It will come preprogrammed with a factory setting to get started. Scoring couldn’t get easier; Just tum the side shift set to zero and the machine will score In a line forward and reverse to your other settings. Spend time on efficiency instead of manually operating the machine. This allows the machine to repeatable make the same size pieces. This repeatable process helps make Is MSler wftti time•efficiency


The accuracy of this system is amazing and one of the biggest advantages is Efficiency. When at desired settings, the machine will perform time after time with better than ½” accuracy. This allows the operator to know how many Sq ft per hour they are doing, how long until finished, forecast future jobs and so much more. The Arrow Hammer will keep track of your current Sq ft per hour progress. This is displayed on the Auto Cycle screen. When a setting is changed the operator can see how much of a difference, it makes as far as faster and slower.

Production Rates / Data Logging

Included with the Arrow Hammer is a Production page. This will log up to 8 jobs in the auto stroke feature. Job 1 is default setting. Once in this job you can view the Average Sq/ft per hour and total Sq/ft of concrete hammered while the auto stroke feature was on. This allows owner/operators to go back in and see what that job actually took, how long it took, and how many Sq/ft the machine hammered. They can use this to compare to the bid/allowance, estimated time, or any difference in operators. It can be used to bid future jobs to save you money. It also keeps a machines total Sq/ft logged on the production page.

Get in Touch

Call Us: 309-752-1341
Email Us: paul@packerbrothers.com
Visit Us: 850 Hwy 55, Brooten, MN 56316, USA